Being able to play certain sounds as a ‘One Shot’ is an old solution to an old problem: sometimes samples, usually drums, need to ignore Note-Off events and simply play through the entire waveform. While having such an option is useful when playing or recording live using the computer keyboard, it is crucial for hardware controllers that are designed only to be struck briefly.
Random Sample Start Timing – Part 1
Wednesday December 6th 2023
Normally you’re stuck using the start timing of a sample that’s imposed by the waveform itself. However, this video looks at one method of making the timing both random and automatic. The song created in the video is available for download.
Reverberation – Reverb, mpReverb & Convolver
Wednesday November 22nd 2023
Reverberation is when a sound wave is reflected off of various surfaces, extending its length and gaining a particular character from the acoustic environment. Reverb effects simulate this natural process, and you’ll find three such devices in Renoise & Redux.
Dealing With The Reset Of LFO Effects
Tuesday November 14th 2023
There’s a couple of things to be aware of when resetting the modulation of the LFO, Chorus, Flanger & Phaser effects. This also unexpectedly affects another device too.
The Big Grey Man – Am Fear Liath Mòr
Tuesday October 31st 2023
The true story of Am Fear Liath Mòr, The Big Grey Man of Ben Macdui, has terrified generations of Scotsmen across the centuries.
Renoise Effects Stepper
Wednesday September 20th 2023
Is there a way of replicating the behaviour of the Modulation section’s Stepper device within the Effects section of Renoise? Let’s try and figure it out.
AI Music & The Importance Of Showing Your Work
Friday September 8th 2023
LOCK UP YOUR MUSIC THE AI IS COMING! Which allows me the opportunity to ramble on about stuff that’s been on my mind for quite some time.
VU Meter Clipping
Thursday August 31st 2023
Not an official Renoise video, but it does show something relevant: audio clipping only actually occurs in the Master track, not in other tracks or Sampler FX Chains.
Mastering Devices
Tuesday August 22nd 2023
When creating music in Renoise, all of the separate instruments and tracks come together in one place: the Master track. Renoise has three devices designed for the precise shaping of the final audio.
Using Oceanswift MIDI Control With Renoise
Thursday June 29th 2023
How to get Oceanswift MIDI Control running with Renoise, plus a few things to look out for.